Elly Watson
Elly Watson
Freelance journalist


Hi, my name is Elly Watson.


Digital Editor, DIY Magazine, London, July 2019 - Present.

Editor, Rollacoaster Magazine, London, June 2018 - June 2019.

Freelance Journalist, January 2017 - present. The Line of Best Fit, DIY, So Young Magazine, Gay Times, Fault Magazine, Euphoria Magazine and Man About Town.

Editorial Assistant, Wonderland Magazine, London, January 2017 - June 2019.

Social Media & Marketing Intern, Pollfish, New York City, October - December 2016.

Music Editor, CUB Magazine, London, June 2014 - June 2015.



Classics (BA), Birkbeck, London, 2020-2024.

Merit in Comparative Literature (MA), UCL, London, 2015-2016.

Dissertation on Catullus' use of comedy and comedic theory in his poetry (Grade awarded: Distinction).

Upper Second Class Honours in Comparative Literature (BA Hons), Queen Mary University of London, London, 2012-2015.

Research Project on Catullus' portrayal of love in his poetry (Grade Awarded: First).